
Current Lab Members

Dr. Robert Lachlan

Senior Lecturer - My work focusses on the interplay between communication, culture and evolution. In particular, research focuses on bird song and other comparative systems.

Dr. Lies Zandberg

Leverhulme Early Career Fellow - My research interests lie in sexual selection, cultural evolution and acoustic communication.

I am currently working as a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow on the project Fashion and fads in birdsong in which I will study the cultural processes and selection pressures underpinning fashion and fads in corn bunting song.

I have previously worked on the auditory perception and cultural evolution of (bird) song.  For my PhD I studied the role of pair compatibility in mate preferences and reproductive success.

Marianne Sarfati MSc.

PhD Researcher - My PhD project focusses on the effects of pollution on cultural evolution of song.

Warren Horrod-Wilson

PhD researcher - My PhD project focusses on studying the evolution of vocal learning through comparative cultural evolution.


Sarah Jenkins - Postdoctoral associate (2021-2022): Cultural evolution of risk perceptions. Current position: Lecturer at University of Leeds

Joseph Cooper - PhD student (2015-2019): On the evolution of vocal development in island chaffinch populations. Current position: Research Scientist at the British Trust for Ornithology

Madeleine King - Volunteer Research Assistant (2021-2022) - Individuality in Corn Bunting song. Current position: PhD student at University of Stirling

Lauren Bignold - Volunteer Research Assistant (2021-2022) - Song sharing in the European Robin

Mollie Brown - Research Assistant Bursary Award (2022) - Song sharing in the European Robin

Maya Khalil - Summer Nuffield Research Placement (2020) - Song sharing in the wren. 

Anjuma Siddiqa - Summer Nuffield Research Placement (2019) - Chaffinch song development.

Imogen Mansfield - Volunteer Research Assistant (2016) - Individuality in shared chaffinch song-types. Currently PhD Researcher at University of Birmingham